Primitives Fast Track

We tackled how we account for the value flow towards the organisation. This section will observe and list how the debt to the individual or entity(i.e. team, subDAO, project) is returned. This constitutes the second part of the primitives of rewards and compensation.   Monetary: The monetary value, be it fiat or web3 currencies, stable or not. We will assume these can be exchanged into each other and or if illiquid, can be redeemable into monetary value.i.e NFTs.

Credits or Points:  Some kind of points system assigned to the individual or team

Governance power:  A means to influence decision-making and organization trajectory

Access to network: The individual can have access desired network most valid when there are information asymmetries and competition. An investors network, an opportunities network or an exclusive group of individuals

Access to services: these can be provided in a manner where they are free or exclusive or, discounted. NFT projects like Surge, including utility, or HR departments include benefits packages and perks for the employees.

The flexibility of work: Flexibility in time and dedication is a benefit that web3 -native and DAOs provide natively, which is an advantage over traditional jobs in the competition of winning over individuals.

Ownership:  Tokens, equity, stock options, NFTs with ownership rights. They will also have monetary value however the liquidity might be low and long-term.

Bonus: Generally, monetary value is based on performance and can be a period one-off.

Dividends: More commonly used term in traditional company ownership, dividends are proportional income from profit.

Reputation: A reputation that can be carried or publicly showcased

Trophy: Anything serving as a token or evidence of victory, valour, skill, etc. Generally, a sentimental value that might gain value. A web3 native example of this would be POAP.

Richer experience: used in gaming a levelled access and perks within a game. This can be similar in clubs, and products.

Yield: a percentage of a primary that has been locked, and staked.     Profit sharing: a percentage or portion of the organization is channelled into the individual/team    Meaningful work: Providing work that serves the purpose of the individuals

Belonging and Community:  when it is about the frens we made along the way

Social capital and signal: if the organisation has social signalling and membership aspect

Experience, Knowledge: the opportunity to experience,skills and knowledge through doing

Space for Self Actualisation, Expression: Ditto

Loot: Whatever valuable things can be gained that is generally the result of unexpected, illegal or unethical activity. Technically it is not rewards and compensation but dear reader this has been a way to take-back from organisations.

Alms: These are giving with no expectation of value creation. It has been used for monks or  people in need.

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